Monday, 22 November 2010


Hello There Everyone!
Tonight we held a Hong Kong Tradition called a "superpass dinner." The point of this is to wish one another good luck before exams begin.
We started by going downstairs to the common room, where everyone took a Chinese brush and some red paper and wrote messages of good luck to one another. Those of us foreigners learning to write Chinese took the opportunity to write some of the simple wishes we learned, as well as writing our names in Chinese (I'll tell you mine in a post later!), and the other international students also wrote messages in their native languages.
Then, we went for dinner. The dining hall was filled with all kinds of different foods from the usual. Before we could eat, the warden said a few words and then handed everyone a lucky envelope with coins inside, meant to bring good luck in the exams.
After the stampede that was dinner, the night wound down with a little Karaoke.
So, I'd like to wish everyone 经过(Superpass!), and I'll talk to you all soon!


  1. I hope you SUPERPASS your exams~~~!

  2. I think it's ε‹ιŽ. It's a HKU tradition more specifically.
